How to enhance your Mobile Photography skills

Mobile photography has become the latest form of photography as Most smartphones have very Good sensors and picture quality. Although Android OS have not really gotten the right sensors yet just for some few Android companies like Huawei,Samsung,Gionee and Nokia who have broken the Web of smartphone camera sensors. Here are 8 tips on how to be a better mobile photographer: 1. Clean your lens:It is very surprising but this is the first thing any "mobile photographer" should do before taking a snapshot with your device. Most times smartphone users have their palms sweaty, pocket dirt etc which affect the sharpness of the camera and give you blurry images. This cleaning should be done with a very soft cotton or preferably a cotton wool. 2. See Something Before You shoot Something:Nowadays Everybody having a smartphone would claim they are photographers but in the reality they are not. If you don't see don't shoot. For you to get good images You must visualize how the image would look after processing before taking the image. 3. Ensure your Subject is Focused:An unfocused image affects the mind of your viewer and makes your photography look like the 1800's black and white stills. If you're an iOS user, there's a green square that pops up once your image is focused and for most Android users its usually circles that appears on your focal point. 4. Use Rule of thirds:Rule of thirds is a great photography technique that has been argued by most photographers comparing it with the Golden ratio.It's a method of composition that involve placing your subject directly on the intersection of grid lines that are on your device. It makes your images look more focused and balanced in composition. 5. Use Leading lines:For an everyday Mobile photographers,Leading lines are very essential elements for image composition. Using lines that are around your subject to direct the viewers attention to your subject. This could be horizontal lines and vertical lines.


So by following these rules, one can get pictures with mobie phones almost as good as actual digital cameras right

I guess so

Hopefully this would help me make the most of my smartphone