Good evening awemazing Explorers,
Trust you had a splendid day

So in today's segment of knowledge materials, I'll be sharing with you Career/ Skills tips on Basic rules for writing your CV

Before you start writing your CV or resume, you should know and keep in mind some simple essential rules that will help you achieve a good, concise and well-structured resume. 
Don't forget them.

1. Be brief, concise, and direct. Your resume must pass the 6 second filter and must not exceed one or two sheets, maximum.

2. Use quality white or light colored A4 paper.

3. Write in a legible font and with a spaced presentation that makes reading easy.

4. Do not write it by hand, unless the company requires it. Computer typing is preferable to typing.

5. Avoid ornaments and watermarks, and don't overdo the colors. The curriculum must convey professionalism. Use bold and highlights for clarity.

6. Respect the margins, leave space between the paragraphs and write on one side of the page.

7.Take care of style and avoid spelling mistakes. Make the most of your verbal wealth, use synonyms and avoid excessive repetitions.

8. It is not convenient or appropriate to use abbreviations.

9. Be honest. Show off your best skills, highlight what is best for you to highlight, your achievements, but never invent or write false achievements.

10. Be positive. There is no reason to explain your failures. Sell the best of yourself, but in a brief, concrete and simple way.

11. Remember that it is not necessary to include the supporting documents and titles, unless they request it.

12. Always send originals, never photocopies.

13. The photograph you attach must be recent and passport-sized. It is preferable that it be colored.

