A digital revolution expected to alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another in the context of a fourth industrial revolution has been the heart of discussions on the future of work long before COVID-19.
Today a part of our COVID-19 response and recovery is upskilling. Workers and businesses around the world are advised to move to digital platforms, the transition to digital workspaces, and expand skill sets. This expresses a demand that will accelerate the digital revolution.
It is interesting to see how Chinese companies responded during the lockdown in Wuhan. Digital retail giants such as Dj.com engaged drones for delivery and deployed smart autonomous vehicles into the empty streets of Wuhan delivering goods to hospitals and households while remotely operating from Beijing. It became the perfect opportunity to put these technologies to test.
Across the world, the E-commerce industry gained a major spot in responding to the pandemic and proved great potential beyond convenience and efficiency. In other to enable work from home, there has been an increased demand for cloud communication and collaboration services. Digital productivity tools like zoom have witnessed huge upticks.
With the fast acceleration into a digital ecosystem, it is important to ask; how digitally literate are you? What skills do you already have and what skills do you need to expand to in order to make up a comprehensive skill set? From owning a small business to holding paid employment, the rapid transformation has set digital literacy as an essential tool for thriving.
At Myllash Lab, we look forward to hearing from you. Tells us what digitals skills you already have and those you are interested in. Tells us your plans and the role you will play in a digital world.